Have you ever been to an anniversary or birthday celebration which included video well-wishes from friends and family? Or, have you ever wanted to collect a series of video testimonials from customers? If you’ve ever tried to gather a bunch of videos from people, you know it’s not easy. It’s […]
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Git and GitHub: Tips and Tricks
Using Git to manage your code? We all know about git init, commit, etc. But here are some handy git commands for common scenarios: Clone from GitHub git clone {github url} Unlink your Local Repo from GitHub Ever want to use an example app on GitHub as a starting point for […]
Read MoreDeploying an Angular 6+ Web App to Azure
The process of deploying an Angular 6+ application to Azure is pretty Byzantine, but here are the basic steps to get it going. I really like Microsoft Azure, but the process of deploying an Angular 6+ app is complex, and filled with some very big hidden gotchas. As of this writing, […]
Read MoreNo, Denmark is not a Socialist Country.
Socialism is where the government owns or substantially controls the means of production and distribution of goods. (Cambridge Dictionary, Merriam-Webster) Nations like France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Canada… are capitalist nations. They are market economies, not centrally planned and controlled economies. Please correct your friends when you hear them say […]
Read More“Green New Deal”: Math Check
The Washington Post’s Jeff Stein estimates that raising the marginal tax rate to between 60 and 70 percent on incomes above $10 million might raise as much as $720 billion dollars over a decade, or $72 billion per year. There are some 16,000 households that meet that criteria — fewer […]
Read MoreNeural Style Transfer – Current Models
I’m working on a neural-style transfer project, and have several machine learning models trained to render input photos in particularly styles. The current set is below; input image on the left, output image on the right, with model name in lower right hand corner. I’ve got a few clear favorites, […]
Read MoreElektro, the Smoking Robot of 1937
I’ve always been fascinated by past visions of the future. Science fiction uses the future to tell us something about ourselves, so looking back on past visions of the future, we can learn something about that age and the values, myopia, optimism and fears of the time. It’s also healthy to […]
Read MoreMonitor Shell Status Remotely with Seashells.io
Now that I’m knee-deep in machine learning models, I’m finding there are several times where I need to let my CPU/GPU crank away on a long-running “training” task for hours at a time, and I’d like to be able to check their status from afar. The handy, free and cleverly-named […]
Read MoreApplying Artist Styles to Photographs with Neural Style Transfer
In 2015, a research paper by Gatys, Ecker and Bethge posited that you could use a deep neural network to apply the artistic style of a painting to an existing image and get amazing results, as though the artist had rendered the image in question. Soon after, a terrific and fun […]
Read MoreAmy Schumer, Viagogo and the “Postponement” Scam
They say that a fan tells 3 people about great service, and someone who has received poor service tells 10. Well, I’m pissed at Amy Schumer’s tour company and I’m pissed at ticket reseller Viagogo for being very scammy. I’d like to shift gears from the usual topics on this […]
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